Just like a seismic shift transfers energy across continents a seismic wave in the world economy has recently shifted Japan from the 2nd biggest economy to the 3rd position making China the next biggest economy after the U.S. Although it was well predicted, it sent shockwaves thru the nations.
Though Japan remained in the 2nd position, it was not in the pink of economic health lately.
The growth of China begins from a revelation from Russia.. When the erstwhile U.S.S.R was got fragmented under Gorbachev , China was closely watching the transformation with anxiety, fearing that the same mass upheaval can spread to China also unless checked. It surmised that a possibility was always there. It was then that China decided to fully open up its economy and bring in more wealth on assuming that if people have enough spending money and overall prosperity they would not meddle with state affairs or bother for a democratically elected government.
Like Japan ’s decision to be friendly with U.S and to concentrate on economic matters China ’s decision to open up economy was also a land mark one. China fiercely followed reform measures on all areas. The urban people gradually got more interested in investments and share price movements than in day-to-day politics.
It was the discipline and iron rule that helped China to make progress swiftly. The programs could be implemented as fancied by the Government .The population in China is billion plus and to give them basic amenities like food clothing and housing itself is a great task. Although there is huge gap between the rich and the poor among the population China could not only alleviate poverty to a large extent but also bring in prosperity and style to a sizable section of the population by its reform policies. It is no mean achievement.
Although China became number two in G.D.P. it has yet to close gap in the per capita income area with Japan and U.S. An average income of a person in China is only about $6000 where as it is $ 36000 in Japan and $ 46000 in the U.S.
As for Japan, its superb products can easily find vast market in the booming economy of China to retrieve its 2nd position and it would also be a sweet revenge if made viable.
Images from Google
Images from Google