(India had had amazing tolerance absorbing all schools of thought. It was Saint, Vatsyayana who wrote the best book on sex, 'Kamasutra' But somewhere Indian society lost those all embracing, cosmopolitan views. The words of Markandey Katju reminds it).
However Sunny had to leave the show on account of lack of votes from the audience. I do not know whether it was really by lack of votes for her in the show or by any sensibility issue, Sunny is out of the show any way. She, however, grew so popular during the show that Mahesh Bhat invited her for his next film and she is thrilled to be in the Bollywood production unit, just like any other Indian girl. She said “I am looking forward to meeting Mahesh Bhat. I am really excited about my Bollywood debut. I am honored to get an opportunity of working with him." She said she would pursue the acting profession in case it suited with her.

Sunny Leone (original name Karen Malhotra) had small contact with India though her parents were Indian. She was born and brought up in Canada and later in the U.S. and she visited India rarely. Yet she has the emotional connexion with India to refer it in first person-possessive like 'my' culture etc. In her chosen profession she is fairly famous. Her photos have appeared in most of the adult Magazines in the west. She was penthouse (Magazine) pet for March 2001 and also a Hustler Honey.They are great things in her industry. She started her career at the age of 19 when she was studying pediatric nursing. At first her parents were against it only to become agreeable later. Her father wanted her to become a doctor and mother a teacher. She has plans to return to Pediatric nursing once she retires from her industry. She said that she never wanted to become a porn star and that the money was just too good in it (to abandon it)
If you go searching for an answer as to why a woman chooses to be a porn star, you will come across a lot of answers but none of them will satisfy you completely. The money, sex, revenge, attention, exhibitionism etc are some of the words you might encounter in the search. However an element of oddity lingers on.
The work in adult industry is just like in any other profession requiring hard work and patience to make progress and recognition. The performers have to undergo shoot and re shoot schedules running in to hours on end just like ordinary movies are made and keeping the libido simultaneously alive and in check is strenuous indeed for its performers.
Sunny Leome owns a studio in the U S. She said that being a porn star did not automatically meant to be a prostitute and that India lacked true knowledge of it as there was no entertainment industry in India. She also says that she has no regrets over her decisions and is happy with her friends, relatives and money.
Sunny Leone is a voracious reader and she also likes to travel. In an interview when she was asked whom she wanted to meet, her reply was Dalai Lama. She said that she had read a lot about him and was yearning to meet him. She has high respects for Mother Theresa too.