This year London city is receiving unusual rains during this spring-summer period after a drought during the winter. The situation of incessant rains is so grim and depressing that the "Times of London” was compelled to write an editorial asking rain to stop. “Let us make our position crystal clear, we are against this weather. It must stop raining and soon" the paper said in its opinion column. Just like the unseasoned rains, the editorial frowning upon the weather is also unusual and it sums up the frustration of Londoners.
The incessant rain started from April 1st week and since then it is rain, cloud, and soggy weather all time. The spring-summer time is a pleasant period for the Londoners with partying, Music and dance performances. Many music programs were cancelled due to incessant rain and flood. Occasional rains are not unusual during this period as spring time is traditionally unstable when winter retreats, but this year it is different, for, it is rain every day soaking everything and flooding everywhere. It is not a case with London city alone, all over the U.K. it is raining every day and about 75 flood warnings have by now come out.
The Met office says that a narrow fast moving wind called jet stream usually stationed north of England is this year at the south guiding all the foul weather in to the country. They say that nothing can be done to improve the situation and they hope things would improve a bit by the time of Olympics. The organisers of the game knew the weather pattern of London and they have put up roofs for all the important venues of the game.
The weather, any way, seems a little out of character in India too this year. Although the Met offices do not perceive more than a 20% shortage of rain, in Kerala the months of incessant rains are passing away with just a few drizzles and reservoirs have not got replenished yet.
The climate change is turning out to be real and has arrived at our home grounds.
Images: Google