We all know how it is to be hungry. But being in perpetual hunger with no immediate hope of food is a different matter and it is still more heartbreaking if the hungry is an innocent child .
Although India is fast developing it has not still achieved the goal of food for all and it requires a legendary ‘Akshayapathram “to feed all the hungry in India
Exactly an Akshaya Patra was what Madhu Pandit Das, a noble soul, had dreamed when he saw a pathetic scene of hungry street children fighting with dogs for abandoned food. He started a foundation aptly named ‘AKSHAYAPATRA’ to feed school children at noon time. It was begun with limited resources and now it has spread to eighteen locations in India giving mid-day meal for about 1.6 million hungry children
The hunger has impact on education of the child. An hungry child eventually abandon his school and go after work and food. As such the mid-day meal for the school children serves dual role of feeding the child and compelling him to come to school.
It requires enormous funds to carry out the scheme without break The state Governments take 50%cost as a subsidy. The rest is made up from the generous help of the public.
About 30 Dollars or its equivalent of any currency would require to feed a hungry child thru his school year. Since there is 50% Government subsidy, two children can be given food with that amount.
I fervently wish that readers of this post would visit site AKSHAYAPATRA.and participate in this noble venture of feeding the child.
Remember, giving away $30 or $15 is an insignificant sacrifice if it could bring back a contented smile on the face of a child each day round the year.
Tags: Akshayapatra Madu Pandit Das Hunger Education