
The queer thing about it is that they have not put up any particular demand like separate state or separate administrative set up other than silently killing people and no particular group take up responsibility. It shows the groups have not fully developed in to a hard core terrorist out fit like elsewhere in the world. However they are gathering strength and unless the Thai Government found a solution to deal them the violence and terrorism have every chance to escalate into serious proportions.
The Yingluck Government is young and has been facing problems like floods
etc ever since it took power. She wants the dialogue way for the problem whereas the Military wants strong-arm methods against the insurgents. The Prime Minister’s method of finding a solution thru dialogue seems sane considering the history of terrorism round the world. The U.S has been at war with terrorists inAfghanistan for a decade and yet it is no where near an end.
etc ever since it took power. She wants the dialogue way for the problem whereas the Military wants strong-arm methods against the insurgents. The Prime Minister’s method of finding a solution thru dialogue seems sane considering the history of terrorism round the world. The U.S has been at war with terrorists in
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