On the evening of 21st February terrorists visited the city of Hyderabad and 16 persons were died and more than a hundred wounded, many of them in critical condition. Two bombs placed in a Tiffin carrier on a cycle were exploded in ten minutes’ difference in the midst of an evening crowd gathered for shopping etc. India has been free of terrorist- attacks after the Mumbai attack and that made this one least anticipated and shocking.

The bomb explosions in an innocent, unsuspecting crowd are very sad and disturbing as it kills healthy individuals in cold blood or make them abysmally sick for life in a few seconds. It opens a door to a world of terror and death in seconds. The sorrow of people depending on the individual and the individual’s own pain, anguish all are quite hard to face. Yet such things happen every now and then.
Though the general trend is to blame Governments for laxity on their part, the fact remains that it is not easy for a Government to watch and prevent them all the time. In a vast country the terrorists can choose any city and any corner to attack. India is also a little vulnerable for such attacks due to historical, geographical and political reasons. Recently a proposal to monitor and act on terrorists by the central Government could not be implemented as the State Governments stood against it saying it would be an infringement upon Federalism. That was more a political move by the States than a constitutional concern and now the Hyderabad incident is a price paid for it. The central Government had prior information of an impending attack and it sent messages to States and obviously the States did not take the message more than a routine one.
The Andhra Government says that it had not received sufficiently specific warning from Center to take action and the Center blames that despite several warnings State did nothing. A situation like this would not have happened had Center Government been given full powers to enter and take action against terrorist in States. The Union Government should again pursue the matter with the State Governments and the State Governments, on their part, should live up to the national safety and interest involved in the matter setting aside smaller concerns.
Above all, communal harmony is a key factor for preventing such incidents in the long term scenario. The politicians should work for it beyond lip-service. The colonial strategy of divide and rule method is still followed by politicians and it is time they saw matters beyond votes and elections for a harmonious society.

Lastly, it is wrong to eulogize those cowards who kill innocent people insidiously by calling them as terrorists, they are really creeps and call them as such.
Images from Google