The speech writers are an inevitable part of a U S President’s
staff. They prepare speeches that the
President has to deliver from time to time. The President cannot spend his
valuable time for writing speeches. and the speech writers become relevant in that
slot. All Heads of States use the services of speechwriters.
The Whitehouse takes care to choose reputed writers with
sterling background for the job. Once chosen for the job he gets access to all
departments in the administration to collect data for the preparation of speeches
and the Government staff fully cooperate
with them. The facts and figures in the speech have to be accurate as the President cannot be
seen giving false information in his speech.
Since speeches like the State of the Union address covers the entire Government business, foreign relations and future plans, the speechwriters have a big job on hand and they start its preparations months before. They know the tricks to present a good speech.
A public speech is sharing thoughts with
the audience on a personal level so it is different from author- reader connection. The speech writers avoid long sentences and
uncommon words in order to make it more intimate and personal. The sentences are structured
in such a way as to permeate easily in to the minds of audience.
A speech writer knows the audience-
psychology and they add necessary ingredients to evoke desired responses. For example,
it is desirable to get applause for a speech every now and then, so the
speech writers add lines specially made to evoke applause and the audience promptly obey it at the desired points.
The President checks the draft speech prepared by the writers and instructs them to make suitable changes wherever necessary according to his personal liking. When the speech is finally approved copies are printed and kept ready. For important speeches like the ‘State of the Union’ the President may rehearse the speech a couple of times in addition to learning it by heart.
The speech writers only write the speeches, presenting it
beautifully on the stage is the key factor for the success of a speech. We have just seen a magnificent
speech by president Obama as he delivered the State of the Union address recently.
( The Article II section 3 of the Constitution asks Presidents to give to U.S.Congress the information of the State of the Union from time to time and it is done once in a year, usually at the end of January or in early February. This year the House speaker invited President Obama to make the speech on February 12th which is also the birth day of Abraham Lincoln. )
( The Article II section 3 of the Constitution asks Presidents to give to U.S.Congress the information of the State of the Union from time to time and it is done once in a year, usually at the end of January or in early February. This year the House speaker invited President Obama to make the speech on February 12th which is also the birth day of Abraham Lincoln. )
You probably saw President Obama moving on to the podium
shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries with Congress men and he was quite at
ease before the speech and showed no speech anxiety. During the speech not once was
he seen looking the copy of the speech before him and he delivered it seemingly extempore
like an excellant stage performer. It is
perhaps a primary requisite of a Head of a nation to stage a speech beautifully.
In the case of President Obama his oratorial skill is world famous and it is
always a pleasant experience to watch him speak.
For the speech writers the long background work of research,
preparation of draft, the rehearsal all end up once the speech is delivered and the writers
turn to the next speech. They certainly would listen to the speech along with
millions of others savoring the words they wrote and thinking how many people
are listening their words. Although the speech writers are neither appreciated nor rewarded in a public function they too derive the blissful joy of creation when
their words reach millions of people through T V and Radio.
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